
Children's social care

Children's social care

Our aim is to work with parents, carers and young people together and to offer advice and support before a situation reaches crisis point.

Adoption and fostering

Early Help


Other services

Care leavers and corporate parenting

Find information and support on leaving care and corporate parenting.

Children in employment and entertainment

Information to ensure your child is safe if they work part-time or are involved in entertainment.

Positive Outcomes Project

Providing children, young people, and families in their community with support to be happy, healthy, and safe.

Safeguarding and quality assurance for children

Key services such as Independent Reviewing Officer Service, Child Protection Coordinators, Local Authority Designated Officers and more.

Starting Well family hubs

The Starting Well Family Hubs provide a range of information for families, about parenting groups, childcare support, midwifery appointments and more. 

Virtual Family Hub

We have developed this virtual family hub to give you a range of different types of resources to help to support you and your family.

51²èÂ¥ Children First

Information about the company responsible for delivering Children's Services across the county until 1 October 2024.

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