Children in employment and entertainment
Information to ensure your child is safe if they work part-time or are involved in entertainment.
There are laws in place to protect children who are of school age and who work part-time or who are involved in entertainment, sporting activities or modelling.
Here you can find out more information to ensure your child is safe.
Children in employment
Many children enjoy getting a part-time job. This could include being a waitress or waiter, working in a shop, a paper round or working in the family business.
Here you can find information about the law, how to apply for a work permit and advice on the sort of work a child can do.
It is important that a child has a work permit. Without a work permit a child will be working illegally and without insurance
Children in entertainment
Children taking part in performances is governed by different acts and regulations. This legislation applies to all children from birth until they leave school.
To contact the Child Employment and Entertainment Officer please ring 01905 845640 or email
If you wish to make an anonymous report of any concerns regarding a child in employment or entertainment please go to the .