
Two key environmental plans approved

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Two key environmental plans have been approved by 51²è¥’s Cabinet.

At today’s meeting (28 March), the County’s Cabinet gave the go ahead to move forward with the brand-new Environment Improvement Plan and the updated Net Zero Carbon Plan.

The Environment Improvement Plan sets out the Council’s strategies, detailing what will be done and how the Council is working with partners to preserve and protect the environment for future generations.

The Net Zero Carbon Plan, builds on the first plan, published in 2020, to detail the Council’s plans to tackle climate change.

Sue Crow, 51²è¥’s Strategic Programme Manager for Economy, Sustainability and Tourism said: “Both of these plans are incredibly important in supporting the Council in its ambition to enhance the county’s environment.â€

The Environment Improvement Plan defines eight key priorities, including natural environment, energy, waste, transport, Net Zero Council, green economy, flooding and communities.

The plan will be monitored by the number of trees planted, hectares of biodiversity gain, reduction of carbon emissions, reducing waste produced, active travel improvements, new or improved cycleways, County Council carbon emissions, growth in the green economy, protecting homes and business from flooding, homes benefitting from energy advise and grants and healthy walks delivered across the county.

New webpages are now available to find out more about the plan and they can be found at Environment Improvement Plan.

More information about the Net Zero Carbon Plan can be found on the dedicated webpages.