


Different types of childcare and information on choosing the right type and the funding available.

Search for childcare in 51²èÂ¥.

Funded childcare

Information about the funded childcare that's available for children aged 2 to 4 years and children who are Looked After or Adopted From Care within 51²èÂ¥.

Ways of paying for childcare

Find out about financial support for parent/carers using childcare.

Childcare for children with SEND

For children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan or receive Disability Living Allowance.

Having problems finding childcare in your area?

Your first step should be using the childcare searches to find settings that have chosen to share their details.

Choosing the right childcare

Here you will find useful information about choosing the right childcare for your family needs.

Types of childcare

There are many different types of childcare available and you will want to choose a childcare provider that is best suited to your needs.

Safeguarding and concerns about childcare

If you have concerns over the safety of any children at your childcare setting.

The health visiting teams and early years settings work together on the integrated check at two, to provide parents with a seamless and comprehensive insight into their child's health and development needs.

Support for children who are Looked After or Adopted from care

Children who are Looked After or Adopted from care may be eligible for 30 hours of childcare.

Information about support for parents and carers

Find out about where to get advice for families in 51²èÂ¥.

Is your child ready for school?

Useful information about getting your child ready to start school.

Apply for a school place

How to apply for a primary and secondary school place and how to complete an in-year application to move to another school.

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