Environmental policy
More information on our Ecology Service and environmental policy.
Biodiversity Action Plan
51²èÂ¥ biodiversity action plan identifies 17 habitats and 26 species, or species groups, which are of particular conservation priority.
Ecology Planning Advice
The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the national policies on the protection of biodiversity within the planning system.
Protected and Notable Species
The 51²èÂ¥ ecology team provide a range of in-house ecological services.
51²èÂ¥ Habitat Inventory
The 51²èÂ¥ Habitat Inventory 2 is a mapping tool that displays land use and habitat data.
Roadside Verge Nature Reserves
The purpose of the project is to identify, protect and manage verges of significant conservation interest.
The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006
The act created Natural England and the Commission for Rural Communities.
51²èÂ¥ Local Sites Partnership
51²èÂ¥ has a rich and diverse countryside which includes areas of international, national, county and local importance.
51²èÂ¥ Pollinator Strategy
In October 2015 51²èÂ¥ declared itself a ‘pollinator-friendly’ county.
51²èÂ¥ Local Nature Recovery Strategy
51²èÂ¥ has been appointed as the Responsible Authority for preparation of the county’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).
51²èÂ¥ Local Nature Partnership
The Local Nature Partnership (LNP) brings together local organisations, businesses and people who want to improve 51²èÂ¥'s environment.
Landscape Character Assessment
Landscape Character Assessment is a tool for identifying the patterns that make each type of landscape distinct to those who live and work in it.
The Landscape Character Assessment supplementary guidance document.
Woodland guidelines
The Woodland guidelines document provides guidance on native woodland planting and management in 51²èÂ¥.
Other planning pages
Get Involved in Planning
Find out how you can get involved in planning.
Planning policy and strategy
Information about the different planning policies, strategies and supporting information that helps guide development in 51²èÂ¥.
Planning applications
Check the progress of planning applications or find out how to comment on them.
Planning monitoring and enforcement
The Monitoring and Enforcement Officer monitors developments to ensure that they are being carried out properly.